CSR, a virtuous circle for companies ?
When we talk about CSR, we can commonly think about the environnemental aspect. A fundamental pillar of this term is society which is equally important from an internal or external point of view.
As an example, Vinci energies France asked all its stakeholders to complete a QHSE questionnaire (Quality – Health – Security – Environment) and to sign an ethical charter and an anti-corruption code of conduct within the framework of Sapin II Law. The objective of this approach is to conduct a responsible purchasing policy and to make all their partners aware of the ethical aspect of their activity.
From a company internal point of view, we can take the example of Engie, where a significant numbers of initiatives have been put in place in recent years to become a more and more inclusive society. These actions have been carried out to promote :
- Training and employment support for young people from priority neighborhoods ;
- The establishment of employment assistance for people with disabilities ;
- Information campaigns aimed at girls in secondary schools and students on training and career opportunities to encourage them to move towards scientific and technological studies.
Trough the prism of the environmental or societal aspect, the virtuous circle of CSR operates systematically. As an evidence Vinci, whose responsible purchasing policy has made it possible to start a significant reduction in its carbon footprint. In the same way, an awareness of environmental issues, necessarily impact on the societal aspect of a company ecosystem.

Engie : Inclusiveness as a primary value
‘Diversity is an integral part of our values, of our attractiveness and dynamism. This diversity, engaged with our social partners through corporate arrangements and agreements, allows us to adapt, multiply perspectives, innovate and be in the image of the society to which we contribute. Our company brings together women and men who are rich in their background, their uniqueness and their history. It is a real wealth in our daily lives and a real performance lever for the company.