The KBIS extract is the proof of registration of your company in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS). You can obtain it in several ways.
You can apply online on www.infogreffe.fr :
It is possible to retrieve the registration document of any company registered in France. You will be asked to fill in one of the following fields:
- The name of the company
- The corporate name
- The acronym or its SIREN number
You will be asked to pay a fee of 3.37 euros, for example sent in electronic format. You can also schedule the document to be sent automatically on a regular basis and receive by post for a fee of 4.18 euros per copy.
You can submit an application on site at the commercial court registry:
In the same way as for the online request, you can obtain the KBIS of any company registered in France by going to the clerk’s office of the commercial court on which the company researched depends.
The document will be delivered to you once it has been certified by the clerk of the court and you will be charged 2.69 euros per example.
How can I obtain a free KBIS extract?
The company director can obtain his registration document free of charge via the MonIdenum platform.
MonIdenum is a free and secure authentication service that allows you to authenticate yourself on partner digital services. For the company director, the service reconciles with the Trade and Companies Register (RCS), allowing him to act on his behalf in complete security. Thus, by being registered on MonIdenum, each company director can retrieve his KBIS extract online.
To activate your digital identity on MonIdenum you need to fill in :
- Your e-mail address
- A password of your choice
- Your phone number
- A proof of identity (national identity card, passport…)
- The companies for which you are the manager.