Actradis has implemented a new user support tool on its platform. We therefore interviewed the managers in charge of this project in order to know the genesis of it as well as the different stages of its launch.
Can you introduce yourself ?
I am Sabine Raynaud, Director of Customer Relations, in the User Satisfaction department of Actradis.
I’m Vickie Duchemin, Client Relations Officer, since 3 years. My responsibility is to manage the files of suppliers and subcontractors following the reminders of their clients.
What is new for Actradis?
Vickie: We are pleased to unveil our dynamic Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to provide an additional service to suppliers and sub-contractors. This device can be used for all types of questions, whether they are wondering about the update of their file or whether they encounter difficulties in completing the information and putting their documents online.
Sabine: We offer them a supplementary support, accessible 24/7, in addition to our telephone and e-mail support. Working as a search engine, thanks to the user’s input of a question or keywords, the dynamic FAQ indexes a large number of responses in this way users gain responsiveness, simplicity, and autonomy.
What motivated the choice of this solution and what is it?
Sabine: In a process of continuous improvement, we put in place tools adapted to the daily life of our users, at the most opportune time and in line with the size of our company. In the next question, “which tool would be most suitable for Actradis?” , after various exchanges, studies and proposals, TeamBrain proved to be the solution and THE first step for Actradis.

Vickie: Today you discover a bubble of help, followed very soon by a special page. Recurring issues are already addressed. Users will also contribute to its enrichment the interrogations and problems of some which may be those of others later.
How did the project team come together?
Sabine: It’s a team effort, a collective success! Carried by the User Satisfaction team, this new feature has federated several departments of the company.
Vickie: The departments «Operations – R&D» and «Communication» have contributed their expertise, for the technical aspects on the one hand, editorial and graphic on the other hand. We also relied on the knowledge of an employee responsible for supporting foreign companies.
Are other innovations expected in the near future?
Sabine: Of course! Two essential drivers of our daily life at Actradis are the human he is at the center of everything – and the quality of service. We are also very proud of the Google reviews received daily, which reflect the technical and relational know-how of our team. We are considering other projects to increase responsiveness and meet new customer needs. The FAQ is only a first step.
Vickie: We consider all the possibilities that can help our users navigate our platform as easily as possible. Within the FAQ, we already plan to integrate interactive links, videos, tutorials. We are developing new accompanying bubbles, for example, specific documents or by type of users etc..