What’s new at Actradis?
New indicator on collective procedures – Actradis offers you a new functionality allowing you to identify possible companies in difficulty – partners or clients – referenced on your personal space.
When a company encounters economic, financial or legal difficulties, it may be subject to collective proceedings.
Mobilising the team around CSR – Our team met on 13 October 2021 for a team-building day on the theme of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and share moments of conviviality. Employees took part in awareness and reflection workshops around social, economic and environmental aspects, mainly concerning our business sector. Read more…

Key figures of october

Testimony of Didier Thoumsin
Purchasing Director of VINCI Energies France
VINCI Energies France (VEF) and Actradis have co-constructed a specific service enabling VEF to deploy its corporate social responsibility strategy, focused on responsible purchasing while meeting legal obligations (duty of care, ethics, accidentology, etc.). To discover his video testimony, click here.