Since its creation, Actradis has been committed to a corporate social responsibility approach. It aims to extend its network of responsible companies towards a collective sustainable development.
In May 2021, Actradis established its first carbon footprint. The carbon footprint is an evaluation of the quantity of greenhouse gases emitted (or captured) into the atmosphere over a year by the activities of an organisation or a territory (definition of the Agency for Ecological Transition – ADEME).
Actradis emitted 49.227 tons of CO2 eq. in the 2019-2020 financial year. The company has since drawn up an action plan to become carbon neutral by 2030.
In line with the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) 1.5°C report, carbon neutrality is defined as a state of equilibrium to be achieved by sequestering as much carbon as is emitted, so as to stabilise its level of concentration in the atmosphere and thus limit the increase in the global temperature of the planet.

Actradis’ objective is ambitious but achievable!
« Co-building is at the heart of digital innovation, a network of responsible businesses. »