Actradis, the leading network for managing the legal and compliance obligations of real estate professionals, joins the French Proptech.
Since the digital revolution, our historically artisanal society has continued to develop into an industrial and commercial society. And this naturally includes the real estate sector.
French ProptechThe French PropTech is a movement that today brings together more than 150 tech and innovation players seeking to reinvent the city:
- a city centred on people and their uses
- a city where it is good to live, work and play,
- a city where you feel “good”.
And, to the challenges of the 21st century, French PropTech chooses to respond with 21st century solutions.
Hugo Krauze, CEO of Actradis, welcomes this new partnership.

« Nous sommes très heureux qu’Actradis rejoigne le mouvement de la French Proptech. Nous sommes convaincus des synergies qui nous permettront de promouvoir ensemble les innovations d’un secteur en perpétuelle évolution. Notre plateforme digitale sert depuis sa création les professionnels de l’immobilier, mettant à leur disposition une offre de services innovants, reposant sur 3 axes essentiels : protection, simplification et accompagnement. »
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