Actradis has developed an Online Prevention and Accidentology Tool for Companies (known as OPALE) for our principals. Thanks to the figures provided online by their suppliers and subcontractors, a client can quickly benefit from the key indicators relating to the accident-prone nature of its partners (severity rate, rate and frequency index).
The collection of these indicators enables suppliers to improve their operational performance, to support their partners in the implementation of progress plans and to have a positive impact on their social responsibility approach.
How to use it?
The declaration of the accident rate of your company is done directly on the Actradis platform by an electronic signature.
The following information must be completed for the years N-3, N-2 and N-1:
- The full-time equivalent workforce (CDD, CDI, CDC);
- The number of hours worked;
- The number of accidents with lost time, excluding commuting accidents (AAA);
- The number of commuting accidents;
- The number of accidents without a break (ASA);
- The number of days lost due to accidents at work;
- The number of care;
- The number of fatal accidents.
What is the purpose of this declaration?
- To highlight the degree of exposure to occupational risk;
- To follow the evolution of the indicators from one year to the next in order to evaluate the actions taken;
- Compare your indicators with those of other similar companies and with the average for your sector of activity;
- Monitor that the occupational health and safety objectives have been achieved;
- Be guided on the action plan and risk prevention strategy.